Consultation Form - Date/Time:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
First name of person requesting the mHealth consultation:
* must provide value
Last name of person requesting the mHealth consultation:
* must provide value
How many Principal Investigators are there?
* must provide value
Contact PI (MPI1) First Name:
* must provide value
Contact PI (MPI1) Last Name:
* must provide value
Contact PI (MPI1) Title:
* must provide value
Contact PI (MPI1) E-mail:
* must provide value
Is the Contact PI (MPI1) employed by OUHSC?
* must provide value
Is the Contact PI (MPI1) a Stephenson Cancer Center member?
* must provide value
Is the Contact PI (MPI1) a HPRC faculty member?
* must provide value
MPI1 Academic Affiliation/University:
* must provide value
MPI1 Academic Department:
* must provide value
MPI Physical Address:
* must provide value
* must provide value
* must provide value
Zip Code:
* must provide value
MPI2 First Name:
* must provide value
MPI2 Last Name:
* must provide value
MPI2 E-mail:
* must provide value
Is MPI2 employed by OUHSC?
* must provide value
Is MPI2 a Stephenson Cancer Center member?
* must provide value
Is MPI2 a HPRC faculty member?
* must provide value
MPI2 Academic Affiliation/University:
* must provide value
MPI2 Academic Department:
* must provide value
MPI3 First Name:
* must provide value
MPI3 Last Name:
* must provide value
MPI3 E-mail:
* must provide value
Is MPI3 employed by OUHSC?
* must provide value
Is MPI3 a Stephenson Cancer Center member?
* must provide value
Is MPI3 a HPRC faculty member?
* must provide value
MPI3 Academic Affiliation/University:
* must provide value
MPI3 Academic Department:
* must provide value
MPI4 First Name:
* must provide value
MPI4 Last Name:
* must provide value
MPI4 E-mail:
* must provide value
Is MPI4 employed by OUHSC?
* must provide value
Is MPI4 a Stephenson Cancer Center member?
* must provide value
Is MPI4 a HPRC faculty member?
* must provide value
MPI4 Academic Affiliation/University:
* must provide value
MPI4 Academic Department:
* must provide value
Short Project Title: Please note, do NOT use an identical study name for multiple studies.
* must provide value
Full Grant/Project Title:
* must provide value
Will this study collect participant PHI via Insight?
(Any study that will use GreenPhire should mark 'Yes')
* must provide value
Which types of PHI will be collected?
(check all that apply)
* must provide value
What other type of PHI will be collected?
* must provide value
Anticipated Study Start Date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Anticipated Study End Date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Anticipated number of study participants:
* must provide value
Has funding for this study been secured?
(Answer 'Yes' if this study already has internal, external, or start-up funding)
* must provide value
Do you have IRB approval?
* must provide value
What is the IRB Number?
* must provide value
Will you need a letter of support?
* must provide value
Grant award number:
Please write "N/A" if funded via start up
* must provide value
Planned grant start date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Planned grant end date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Total project costs (Direct + Indirect; all project years):
Please do not use $ or commas.
* must provide value
Anticipated or actual funding source:
(check all that apply)
* must provide value
Funding Source - Other:
* must provide value
What type of NIH grant application is this?
* must provide value
National Palliative Care Research Center
NIH Supplement
NIH grant type other:
* must provide value
NIH mechanism:
* must provide value
P30 Supplement
NIH mechanism other:
* must provide value
Type of mHealth Shared Resource Study:
* must provide value
Other mHealth Shared Resource Study Type:
* must provide value
Is the study being built by the study PI team or mHealth?
* must provide value
mHealth is building the study
Study PI's team is building this study
I am planning to:
* must provide value
Use Insight as is
Use Insight after new features are developed
Please describe what you will need developed in Insight.
* must provide value
Study Focus (select all that apply):
* must provide value
Study Focus - Other:
* must provide value
Briefly describe the focus/aims of the proposed study. (Example: This study will enroll ## participants from ?? population (e.g., age, sex, race/ethnicity, health problem) over ## years/months. Each participant will be randomized to 1 of ?? groups and will complete EMAs for ## days. The aims of the study are to... (e.g., test a novel intervention to reduce ??).)
* must provide value
What is the duration of data collection for each study participant?
(total number of days)
* must provide value
What types of assessments will be used in your study (check all that apply):
* must provide value
Assessment Type - Other:
* must provide value
Describe your study population (e.g., women with incomes below the poverty line; Black adults who smoke and have anxiety).
* must provide value
What languages will be used in your study?
* must provide value
EMA Project Features
The following features are standard for the Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) tier of the Insight Platform.
Fixed: App will prompt this EMA type at a specific time of the day (e.g., 12:00pm).
Participant Offset: App will prompt this EMA type at times that are directly relevant to specific participants (e.g., 30 minutes after each participant's usual waking time).
Random: App will prompt this EMA type at random times within the participant's selected waking hours.
Participant Initiated: Participant will click a button on the app home screen to initiate this EMA type.
Automatic Reschedule: Enables the EMA to be automatically prompted again if the participant does not begin the EMA after a set period (e.g., reschedule the EMA every 15 minutes, up to 3 times until it is started).
Checkbox: Response choices are shown in a list; multiple answers can be chosen.
Date: Participants use a calendar to choose a date.
Dropdown: Participants click a box to select from a long list of potential answer responses.
Radio: Response choices are shown in a list; only 1 answer can be chosen.
Rich Text: A block of text that can be used to provide messages or instructions in the app; enables bold, italics, underline, bullets, etc.
Slider: Participants slide their finger from left to right to choose a continuous response (e.g., 1-10 visual analog scale).
Text Only: A block of text that can be used to provide messages or instructions in the app.
Text Field: Participant uses the keyboard to type a short answer (e.g., numbers or letters).
Text Area: Participant uses the keyboard to type longer responses than is possible with the text field option (e.g., sentences / paragraphs).
Time: Participants use a clock to choose a time.
Timer: Participants see a configurable countdown timer.
App Branding: Allows the study name to be displayed on the top of the app home screen.
App Language: App content (e.g., questions, messages) can be displayed in most languages.
Appointment Reminder: Configurable appointment date/time/message that appears on the app home screen. Coming soon
Assessment Resume: Enables participants to pick up where they left off in longer assessments. For example, longer Baseline or Follow-up assessments can be completed over multiple sittings/days if desired.
Payment Log: Enables participants to view the amount of credit they have earned for completing EMAs.
Permissions: Enables the Principal Investigator (PI) to assign specific EDC view/edit roles to project team members (e.g., PI has admin rights to create/edit all app components, research assistants could be granted specific roles like only view/create participants).
PHI Data Collection: Enables collection of Protected Health Information (e.g., name). Note: Requires additional contract components.
Skip Logic: Enables items to be skipped if established criteria are met (e.g., if question #1 > 4, then skip question #2).
Add/Clone Questions and EMAs: Enables researchers to rapidly clone questions and assessments.
Data Download: Enables researchers to create datasets in SPSS and Excel formats. SPSS downloads contain variable and value labels making analyses quick and easy.
Offline Functionality: Insight works offline after initial download. In other words, EMAs will prompt even when a participant's phone is in airplane mode.
Data Upload: Insight attempts to upload data to the server when participants interact with the app.
Calculated Field: Enables researchers to create formulas by adding / subtracting / multiplying / etc. participant answers to EMA questions (e.g., question 1 + question 2). Also enables creation of intervention algorithms.
Timestamp: Records the date and time a participant encounters a timestamp.
JITAI Project Features
The following features are standard for the Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI)/Sensor tier of the Insight Platform. JITAI features generally require greater data storage than EMA features. Therefore, fees for this tier are higher than the EMA tier.
Email: An encrypted email is generated when an established criterion is met (e.g., if depression question > 3, then email a study team member that they should contact the participant. Note: This feature requires an active data plan or Wifi connection.
Single Message Bin: Enables delivery of one message when specific criteria are met. One message is delivered from the bin to the participant on each occasion. This feature allows researchers to keep their intervention content fresh/new, rather than repeating the same message multiple times.
Multiple Message Bin: Enables delivery of multiple messages on a specific topic. The participant can decide to review one message or many.
Random Number Generator: Generates a random number within a specified range and decimal precision. This item type can be used to re-randomize participants (e.g., SMART designs or micro-randomized trials (randomizing moments to receive intervention messages or not)).
Button List: Enables the creation of a single menu of features that can have specific functions (e.g., one click calls, websites, videos).
Sensor Log: Presents data from a sensor at specified intervals. For example, if steps are to be collected every 2 minutes the log will display number of steps every 2 minutes. Coming soon.
Web View: Enables the integration of webpages into Insight. When Insight is used to open a webpage, the platform can quantify the amount of time spent in the website. Note: This feature requires an active data plan or Wifi connection.
Video Link Bin: Enables delivery of unique video content when specific criteria are met (e.g., depression > 5). One video is delivered from the bin to the participant on each occasion.
YouTube Video: Links YouTube URLs to play video content in the app. Note: This feature requires an active data plan or Wifi connection.
One Click Call: Preprogrammed phone call is placed when this button is pressed. Note: This feature requires an active data plan or Wifi connection.
Delivery of Intervention Content: Video, audio, text, webpage, automated phone calls based upon formula, date/time, on-demand, or sensor data.
Breadcrumb Geolocation: Data collection (latitude, longitude, GPS accuracy). Frequency of collection is configurable. Note: This feature may not be available on all smartphones and this feature requires an active data plan or Wifi connection. Coming soon
Geofencing: Enables saving of specific important areas (e.g., places where a participant smokes cigarettes) and then uses these areas to initiate delivery of EMAs and/or JITAI content. Coming soon
Bedfont iCO Data Collection: Pairs with the Bedfont iCO device to collect carbon monoxide samples. Requires purchase of specific third-party devices. Coming soon
Facial Recognition: Enables researchers to verify a participant's identity. This feature can be used to ensure the participant is the person using the iCO device. Coming soon
GreenPhire Mastercard: Enables automated and manual payments to a participant's Greenphire MasterCard through the Insight mHealth platform. Coming soon
Summary Data: Enables researchers to display summary data to participants (e.g., line graph demonstrating how sleep is related to alcohol use). Coming soon
Image Picker: Enables participants to send pictures (e.g., tobacco advertisements, pre-cancerous moles) to the research team via the Insight dashboard.
What features will your study use?
Please see features table above if needed.
* must provide value
EMA Features Only
EMA and JITAI Features
Have you used Insight before?
* must provide value
Has your institution's IT department approved your project?
* must provide value
What documentation will your IT department need?
(mHealth uses ENCRYPTED Microsoft Azure cloud services for data collection and storage. See rule of behavior for security and data flow).
* must provide value
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