* must provide value
January 7-8, 2021 - Red Rock (AM, ER)
October 27, 2021 - DBP
October 3, 2022
November 21, 2024 (CCSM Only)
December 5, 2024
January 30, 2025
March 3, 2025
May 22, 2025
January 7-8, 2021 - Red Rock (AM, ER)
October 27, 2021 - DBP
October 3, 2022
November 21, 2024 (CCSM Only)
December 5, 2024
January 30, 2025
March 3, 2025
May 22, 2025
Date of training that you will be attending: (please make certain you list the correct date of the training, this ensures you will receive the correct training information in the follow-up email)
* must provide value
M-D-Y Enter first day of training if it is multiple days.
First Name:
* must provide value
Last Name:
* must provide value
* must provide value
* must provide value
Agency/Organization Address:
* must provide value
* must provide value
* must provide value
Zip Code:
* must provide value
* must provide value
Prefer not to answer
Prefer not to answer
* must provide value
* must provide value
Years of Experience in the Field?
* must provide value
0-1 years
2-4 years
5-10 years
0-1 years
2-4 years
5-10 years
Primary Role
* must provide value
Mental Health Provider
Health Care Provider
Child Welfare
Frontline Staff
Law Enforcement
Mental Health Provider
Health Care Provider
Child Welfare
Frontline Staff
Law Enforcement
Are you in a supervisor or leadership role? A CE-CERT for Supervisors training will be offered on December 2, 2024. This training is intended for supervisors who are interested in further implementation of CE-CERT within their agencies.
Do you want to register for the CE-CERT for Supervisors Training?
* must provide value
Are you a supervisor or in a leadership role?
* must provide value
A CE-CERT for Supervisors training will be offered following the full-day training. This training is intended for supervisors who are interested in further implementation of CE-CERT within their agencies.
Do you want to register for the CE-CERT for Supervisors Training?
* must provide value
Select the Supervisor Training you will attend. This training will be held the day after the full-day training from 8:30 am - 12:00 pm.
December 6, 2024 - OKC
January 31, 2025 - McAlester
March 4, 2025 - Norman
May 23, 2025 - Tulsa
December 6, 2024 - OKC
January 31, 2025 - McAlester
March 4, 2025 - Norman
May 23, 2025 - Tulsa
To what extent is burnout or other secondary trauma impacts addressed in the supervision that you receive?
* must provide value
Not at all
A moderate amount
Not at all
A moderate amount
I am open to learning new ways to manage stress at work.
Untrue of me
Somewhat untrue of me
Somewhat true of me
True of me
Untrue of me
Somewhat untrue of me
Somewhat true of me
True of me
I feel prepared when working with trauma-impacted individuals and families.
Untrue of me
Somewhat untrue of me
Somewhat true of me
True of me
Untrue of me
Somewhat untrue of me
Somewhat true of me
True of me
1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Very Often
1 I am happy.
* must provide value
1 View equation
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2 I am preoccupied with more than one person I [help].
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3 I get satisfaction from being able to [help] people.
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4 I feel connected to others.
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5 I jump or am startled by unexpected sounds.
* must provide value
1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Very Often
6 I feel invigorated after working with those I [help].
* must provide value
7 I find it difficult to separate my personal life from my life as a [helper].
* must provide value
8 I am not as productive at work because I am losing sleep over traumatic experiences of a person I [help].
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9 I think that I might have been affected by the traumatic stress of those I [help].
* must provide value
10 I feel trapped by my job as a [helper].
* must provide value
1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Very Often
11 Because of my [helping], I have felt "on edge" about various things.
* must provide value
12 I like my work as a [helper].
* must provide value
13 I feel depressed because of the traumatic experiences of the people I [help].
* must provide value
14 I feel as though I am experiencing the trauma of someone I have [helped].
* must provide value
15 I have beliefs that sustain me.
* must provide value
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1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Very Often
16 I am pleased with how I am able to keep up with [helping] techniques and protocols.
* must provide value
17 I am the person I always wanted to be.
* must provide value
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18 My work makes me feel satisfied.
* must provide value
19 I feel worn out because of my work as a [helper].
* must provide value
20 I have happy thoughts and feelings about those I [help] and how I could help them.
* must provide value
1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Very Often
21 I feel overwhelmed because my case [work] load seems endless.
* must provide value
22 I believe I can make a difference through my work.
* must provide value
23 I avoid certain activities or situations because they remind me of frightening experiences of the people I [help].
* must provide value
24 I am proud of what I can do to [help].
* must provide value
25 As a result of my [helping], I have intrusive, frightening thoughts.
* must provide value
1 = Never, 2 = Rarely, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Very Often
26 I feel "bogged down" by the system.
* must provide value
27 I have thoughts that I am a "success" as a [helper].
* must provide value
28 I can't recall important parts of my work with trauma victims.
* must provide value
29 I am a very caring person.
* must provide value
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30 I am happy that I chose to do this work.
* must provide value
Compassion Satisfaction Score
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Compassion satisfaction is about the pleasure you derive from being able to do your work well. For example, you may feel like it is a pleasure to help others through your work. You may feel positively about your colleagues or your ability to contribute to the work setting or even the greater good of society. Higher scores on this scale represent a greater satisfaction related to your ability to be an effective caregiver in your job.
If you are in the higher range, you probably derive a good deal of professional satisfaction from your position. If your scores are below 23, you may either find problems with your job, or there may be some other reason-for example, you might derive your satisfaction from activities other than your job. (Alpha scale reliability 0.88)
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Most people have an intuitive idea of what burnout is. From the research perspective, burnout is one of the elements of Compassion Fatigue (CF). It is associated with feelings of hopelessness and difficulties in dealing with work or in doing your job effectively. These negative feelings usually have a gradual onset. They can reflect the feeling that your efforts make no difference, or they can be associated with a very high workload or a non-supportive work environment. Higher scores on this scale mean that you are at higher risk for burnout. If your score is below 23, this probably reflects positive feelings about your ability to be effective in your work. If you score above 41, you may wish to think about what at work makes you feel like you are not effective in your position. Your score may reflect your mood; perhaps you were having a "bad day" or are in need of some time off. If the high score persists or if it is reflective of other worries, it may be a cause for concern. (Alpha scale reliability 0.75)
Secondary Traumatic Stress Score
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The second component of Compassion Fatigue (CF) is secondary traumatic stress (STS). It is about your work related, secondary exposure to extremely or traumatically stressful events. Developing problems due to exposure to other's trauma is somewhat rare but does happen to many people who care for those who have experienced extremely or traumatically stressful events. For example, you may repeatedly hear stories about the traumatic things that happen to other people, commonly called Vicarious Traumatization. If your work puts you directly in the path of danger, for example, field work in a war or area of civil violence, this is not secondary exposure; your exposure is primary. However, if you are exposed to others' traumatic events as a result of your work, for example, as a therapist or an emergency worker, this is secondary exposure. The symptoms of STS are usually rapid in onset and associated with a particular event. They may include being afraid, having difficulty sleeping, having images of the upsetting event pop into your mind, or avoiding things that remind you of the event. If your score is above 41, you may want to take some time to think about what at work may be frightening to you or if there is some other reason for the elevated score. While higher scores do not mean that you do have a problem, they are an indication that you may want to examine how you feel about your work and your work environment. You may wish to discuss this with your supervisor, a colleague, or a health care professional. (Alpha scale reliability 0.81)