Thank you for visiting our page and considering our survey. We are asking Oklahoma parents who have a disability to tell us about their experiences. What has gone well, what has been difficult, and what kind of help or support might have made your parenting journey easier.

Participating in the survey is completely voluntary. All survey results will be kept strictly anonymous. No individual names will ever be shared with our survey results.

You may complete the survey without giving us your name or address. However, we would like to thank you for your time and effort. If you would like to receive a $10 Walmart gift card for completing our online survey, please share your contact information at the end of the survey (limited to first 75 completed surveys).

If you would prefer to complete the survey as a personal interview and receive a $20 Walmart gift card, please contact Sooner SUCCESS toll free at 1-877-441-0434 and leave a brief message including your name and number (limited to first 35 completed interviews).

As a reminder, each survey should only be taken once for each parent with a disability. Please do not skip questions unless they are not applicable to your family.

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